Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine that originated more than 2,000 years ago. In Eastern medicine, the practice of acupuncture is based on the theory that all living beings have an energy force called “chi" that circulates along invisible lines known as “meridians” in the body. Each meridian is said to be directly tied to a different organ system within the body. Wherever blockages develop that restrict the flow of energy, illness and disease begin to develop.
By stimulating certain points on the meridians using thin needles, these energy blockages are cleared, the natural flow of energy is restored and in this way the body is able to heal itself.
In western medical terms, acupuncture can assist the body to heal itself by affecting certain physiological changes. For example, acupuncture can stimulate nerves, increase blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, and cause the release of hormones, such as endorphins and cortisol. Although many of acupuncture’s physiological effects have been studied, many more are still unknown. The acupuncture needles are inserted by the veterinarian into specific points of your pet’s body, which are selected based on the physical examination findings. Insertion of the needles is not usually painful and is tolerated extremely well, but a very sensitive or painful pet may show a mild reaction.
Acupuncture can safely be used to treat dogs with a variety of health conditions, especially those suffering from pain or inflammation. Dogs with arthritis, digestive problems, kidney disease, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, asthma, allergies, cancer, and certain neurological disorders can all benefit from acupuncture.
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Acupuncture is the stimulation of a precise point on the body to achieve a desired therapeutic effect. The point is called an acupuncture point, acupoint, or “Shu-xu.” The study of acupuncture dates back to ancient times and is now routinely used in the treatment of humans and animals alike as a part of an integrated approach to medical diagnosis and treatment. Current scientific research into acupuncture points has shown that these points are all located at areas of increased density of free nerve endings, mast cells, small arterioles, and lymphatic vessels. Studies have shown that stimulation of acupuncture points causes a release of beta-endorphins, serotonin, and various other substances that result in pain relief.
There are a number of methods used to stimulate acupuncture points. The most common method is through the insertion of acupuncture needles—a technique called “dry needling.” Other techniques that can be used for stimulation include aqua-acupuncture, hemo-acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and moxibustion. Acupuncture needles are of smaller gauge than the needles commonly used for injections and blood sampling and do not have hollow centers. Insertion of the needles does not typically cause a pain response in our patients- most patients feel a heavy sensation and muscle contraction at the needle site. Many patients even fall asleep during treatment! Acupuncture treatments typically take 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the patient and condition being treated. The main goal of any acupuncture treatment on an animal is to return the patient to the homeostasis of their body systems. This often means treating painful conditions and aiding organ functions, depending on the animal’s reason for treatment.
When done by a qualified practitioner, acupuncture is very safe! Few side effects have been reported in clinical cases.
This depends greatly on the patient and condition being treated. A patient with an acute condition (usually less than a few weeks) may only need one treatment, while a patient with a long-standing condition may need more treatments. Many elderly patients or those with degenerative diseases may need monthly treatments to maintain a good quality of life.
Acupuncture has proven clinically effective in the following conditions:
Cautions and Contraindications: Fractures, pregnancy, open wounds, and infectious diseases may cause acupuncture to be used with caution or contraindicated. Dr. Demello will discuss this with you at your acupuncture evaluation if any of these apply for your pet.
Acupuncture is sometimes combined with herbal treatment to support the treatment goals of the acupuncture performed. Herbs are often used in combination with acupuncture in cases where western medicine and treatment have been unsuccessful.
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